Life happens all at once

pexels-photo-306533.jpegLife just happens. And it always seems to happen all at once. My life changed heaps which meant I had to start re-looking at how I do things. Except I’m not a domestic goddess and I’m not a shabby chic earth mother type. I’m a normal mother of two, half-arsing it through life just like everyone else.

But when I changed my diet and my budget, a strange thing happened. I actually started to enjoy looking at ways to live simpler – not just cheaper, but simpler. The side benefits were finding that things were healthier, more fun. AND, as a Christian, it felt good to reduce my reliance on “stuff” – which is better for me, better for the environment, and a better steward of the resources I’ve been blessed with.

So these blogs are basically me bumbling through various ideas on how to do things, because, you know, real life.

“A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.” Gina Carey